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Single cell electroporation made easy

  • Transfect individual cells for GFP expression
  • Target single cells for optogenetics, etc.
  • Deliver macromolecules, including DNA, RNA, dyes and proteins into cells
  • Stain cells to study their morphology
  • Combine with DigiStim to get a fully independent single cell electroporation system
  • Check out our tutorial videos about the ELectroPORATOR on YouTube

Technical Data

Input signal ±5 V max.
Output signal ±100 V / ±10 mA max.
scaling 0.2 V/V, 2 V/V, 20 V/V
with CURPOT version additionally 0.2 µA/V, 2 µA/V, 20 µA/V, 0.2 mA/V, 2 mA/V
Monitor signals Current, potential, resistance
Display Display for resistance / voltage / current (CURPOT version)
Switches automatically depending on operating mode
Resistance measurement Voltage based measurement, accuracy 1-2 MΩ.
Measuring ranges: 1-10 MΩ, 5-25 MΩ, 20-100 MΩ
“+/- OVER” LEDs indicate end of measurement range
Autio monitor Switchable for resistance, voltage or current (CURPOT version)
Incl. built-in speaker and headphone jack
Settings for output Potential offset
for CURPOT version: capacitance compensation and current offset


Manuals ELPORATOR manual
Brochures ELectroPorator

ELECTROPORATOR – Functional Description



The ELECTROPORATOR is an analog device that converts any input signal into a proportional output signal. There are two versions of the device, one with a pure voltage output, one with both voltage and current at the output. ELECTROPORATOR -POT and ELECTROPORATOR -CURPOT

The ELECTROPORATOR has a built-in audio monitor, a resistance measuring system, and analog monitor connections for current, voltage and resistance. The electroporation process can be triggered manually, by foot switch or by external trigger signal. The electroporation protocol is defined by the external analog input signal. For this purpose, we offer the combination with the DigiStim, which is a small USB-programmable signal generator. The protocol can be stored on this and the DigiStim is then triggered by the ELECTROPORATOR as soon as the user triggers the electroporation process. Alternatively, any A/D converter or signal generator commonly used in electrophysiology is suitable.

For further details see  ELectroPORATOR – Functional Description and the videos on YouTube

Technical Data

Technical Data

Input signal ±5 V max.
Output signal ±100 V / ±10 mA max.
scaling 0.2 V/V, 2 V/V, 20 V/V
with CURPOT version additionally 0.2 µA/V, 2 µA/V, 20 µA/V, 0.2 mA/V, 2 mA/V
Monitor signals Current, potential, resistance
Display Display for resistance / voltage / current (CURPOT version)
Switches automatically depending on operating mode
Resistance measurement Voltage based measurement, accuracy 1-2 MΩ.
Measuring ranges: 1-10 MΩ, 5-25 MΩ, 20-100 MΩ
“+/- OVER” LEDs indicate end of measurement range
Autio monitor Switchable for resistance, voltage or current (CURPOT version)
Incl. built-in speaker and headphone jack
Settings for output Potential offset
for CURPOT version: capacitance compensation and current offset
